My crochet ambitions are pretty humble - I just want to be able to make little things like garlands, baskets and trim for clothes. With mild arthritis in my fingers I don't anticipate being able to make clothes, let alone bedspreads and blankets. So I was very happy when I managed to make two garlands and three baskets. The garland pattern is from here although I don't think I followed it correctly, but never mind. The baskets I just kind of made up as I went along, having miraculously remembered Sandra's instructions on how to make a magic circle (the starting point of any circular crochet). They're kind of wonky but I'm very proud of them nevertheless.
My crochet teacher is running the craft stall at the upcoming school fete, and asked me to make a few things for it: chalkboard bunting (I made three, each backed with two different colours of felt) and girls' fabric headbands (I made ten reversible ones). I enjoyed putting together these little items and I really hope they help raise some money for our school.

You know how I mentioned a while back that we got a kitten? Well, we ended up getting two: Morry (top left) and then Zindzi, a beautiful tabby girl (bottom right). They are regular visitors to my sewing room and besides crocheted items are especially fond of dangly bits of bias binding, large pattern sheets from sewing books and magazines, cotton reels and elastic. Nothing is safe from cats around here!