Thursday 10 July 2014

And now for something completely different...

The second-last day of school holidays and our arrangements fell through, leaving us with no plans for what promised to be a cold and wet day. Terrified at the prospect of a day at home with two children who do nothing but fight, I came up with a solution that would require both a shopping mission (takes up time that might otherwise be spent bickering) and a hands-on activity (distracts children from annoying each other): TERRARIUMS.

I did a bit of research here before we embarked on a nice long shopping expedition to our local strip (which seems to have more two-dollar shops per capita than anywhere else in the world) and found a pair of fishbowl-shaped vases. Then came a leisurely stroll around Bunnings, where we picked up potting mix and sphagnum moss, and where the kids chose some shade-loving plants. I already had activated charcoal at home, and figured we could scrape up some gravel or little rocks from the garden, so we didn't have to buy those.

K and R filled up their fishbowls with the first three layers (little rocks, charcoal, sphagnum moss) and I added the potting mix and helped them with the plants. Then came the fun bit - adding decorations. K used some smooth stones from our last seaside holiday; R used the stones, plus shells, plus glass 'jewels', plus a small plastic animal whose species is hard to ascertain (is it a cat? a dog? a fox?). Both terrariums look beautiful and I really hope they will thrive. And now that I have all the gear I can hardly wait to go buy a giant fishbowl and make my own one!

Oh yeah, would anyone like to offer an opinion as to what this animal is intended to be? R is calling it a fox, but its tail would suggest otherwise... its face is distinctly un-catlike, though.


  1. Hmmm. Looks more cat like to me, but you're right, the face is kinda fox-ish.
    I had exactly the same grey day, two kids, what to do dilemma yesterday (we should hang out!) and we did some bead crafty thing. Love your terrariums though, a great idea for a kid's room decoration and something for them to care for.

    1. I will have to defer to your professional opinion! I think you're right, it must be meant to be a cat - someone in the moulding department at the plastic animal factory was just a little confused. Yes awful weather calls for inventive indoor activities... and warm clothes. Good thing you have all those merino tops :)

  2. Oh, I love what they have made. So creative, and what a good way to spend the day.

    1. Thanks! They are still alive (the plants, not the kids - although they're doing well too) so here's hoping they thrive!
